Wednesday, July 2, 2008

European Friends

My trip was so special, meeting new people from all over the EU and the US that I would have never known. Now, via the internet, we can keep in touch and continue to relive the trip.

S and R from Wales were some of our dinner companions, R is fine and likes to boast that he was the only man amongst seven women at our dining table. Don't we all look so elegant!

When we were in Ireland, on the bus trip, we had the pleasure of the company of a quartet of women from the Boston area. This photo was sent by the group and was titled "Advice from locals on where to eat" in Killkenny. What fun!

and - just for the record - here's another photo of me with a lamb.

Who Knew?

There are sheep in Boca Raton, not 5 miles from Neiman Marcus, and two minutes from my house! This was very exciting to find out, a few months ago, and even more exciting to find that there are SIX bags of wool from these sheep waiting for me upon my return from Europe! The owners of said sheep were so excited to give me the wool, they took photos of me loading my car with the bags of wool. I think they are just as excited as I am!

So now there are six bags of wool in my garage! (My garage is a story for a rainy day… keep watching for that one.)The wool is waiting patiently to be sorted and scoured (washed). I’m trying to figure out how to scour using solar power, and am going to try to get a group of wool enthusiasts together to assist.

Suggestions and volunteers gratefully accepted.